Membership Application

Redclyffe Yacht Club Membership Application

Thank you for your inquiry regarding membership of Redclyffe Yacht Club.

We are primarily a cruising club and whilst we do have a clubhouse it is operated on a DIY basis, i.e. the majority of the maintenance is carried out by club members on a voluntary basis, as are the tasks performed by the Flag Officers and Committee.  We have neither a bar nor a restaurant and all catering for club functions is provided volantarily by our members.

At present our Full Joint membership fee is £143/annum and the Full Single membership fee £123/annum.  In addition there is a joining fee of £200.

Under Club Rules you would have to be a Full Member before you could apply to go on the waiting list for a mooring.  Our mooring and storage charges can be viewed here.  Alternatively you could try contacting the Environment Agency who may also have moorings available (contact Wendy Blackham mob: 07887 556618 or email

To apply for membership please complete the online application form below and ‘submit’ it.  Your application will be dealt with as soon as possible and the Hon. Secretary will be in touch to advise of its progress.  Alternatively you can contact the Hon. Secretary by email at